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Does it truly matter how often you post on this visually captivating platform?

How Often Should you Post on Instagram?

January 01, 20244 min read

How Often Should You Post on Instagram?

 Does Posting Frequency on Instagram REALLY Matter?

Does Posting Frequency on Instagram Really Matter?


Particularly on Instagram, the question of posting frequency is one that I get most often. Does it truly matter how often you post on this visually captivating platform? The answer, is about as straightforward as whether 90’s fashion should really have made a comeback. This question hinges on various factors like your audience, content quality, and your specific goals.


The frequency of your posts impacts visibility - getting seen, engagement- who’s connecting with you, and follower growth- they want to see more. It's not just about bombarding your audience over a loud speaker from your town square, with alllll of the content but finding a balance that keeps them engaged without overwhelming them.


How Often Should You Post Instagram Feed Posts in 2024?


Again, 90’s fashion? Really? I’d love your weigh in on this ;-)

In 2024, the platform's algorithm might still favour consistent, quality content. You’re going to hear me preach from my podium about consistency often. 

However, quality should always trump quantity. Posting three to five times a week, spaced out strategically, often proves effective. Ensure each post adds value, resonates with your audience, and maintains your brand's aesthetic. Just don’t get perfection paralysis on the aesthetic part either. Times are a changing darling!

Regularly assess your analytics. If you notice a drop in engagement or follower growth due to over or under-posting, it might be time to readjust your strategy.


How Often Should You Post Instagram Stories in 2024?


Instagram Stories offer a more immediate, casual way to connect with your audience. Higher frequency without inundating your followers isn’t all bad. For Stories, posting at least once a day can keep your profile active and engage your audience in real-time. Use polls and stickers and that little slider bar to encourage them. 


However, don't compromise quality for quantity. Stories should be engaging, visually appealing, and purposeful

Oh another thing from the loudspeaker is INTENTIONAL. Make it matter and have a goal in mind. 

Experiment with different types of content—polls, Q&A sessions, behind-the-scenes glimpses—to keep your audience peeking back for more every time it pops up on the top of their screen. .

Posting Frequency on Instagram

Okay, okay, soooo….How Often Should You Really Post on Instagram?


Finding the "sweet spot" for Instagram posting frequency involves a blend of strategy, creativity, and flexibility. Here's a breakdown:


1. Understand Your Audience: Analyse when your followers are most active and tailor your posting schedule accordingly. You can check this in your Instagram insights. It matters but recent research from Later also showed 8pm to be the “spot” and this was across all timezones. 


2. Quality Over Quantity: Prioritise quality content that aligns with your brand. If you can't maintain quality with increased frequency, stick to fewer, high-quality posts. Show up with your best most intentional content first. 


3. Consistency is Key: Whether posting feed content or Stories, aim for consistency. It helps in maintaining visibility and engagement. It also gives your new BFF’s the indication of when to expect something new from you. 


4. Adapt and Analyse: Keep an eye on your analytics. Adjust your strategy based on what works best for your audience. The glass slipper didn’t fit everyone remember. Your content and what works for YOUR audience is not the same as what works for Beyoncé’s. 


5. Experimentation: Don't be afraid to experiment. Test different posting frequencies and content types to understand what resonates best. From over 2 dozen years experience, test for 3 months to capture a more reasonable result. Holidays will affect your reach for example with more people online vs January where more people are scrolling from the couch. 


Staying agile and keeping your finger on the pulse is important because, the Instagram algorithm continuously evolves, so what works today might not yield the same results tomorrow. Same as that 90’s fashion… it may come back in fashion but it may also not be hip for 10yrs before the comeback. 

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should post on Instagram, finding the right balance between quality, quantity, and audience engagement depends on YOU, your content, your goals and your following. 

Let me know what you’re struggling the most.

If you need more 1:1 help, book a call here and we can create a bespoke plan or review based on you and your business. 

Chat soon Tammy

Posting Frequency on Instagram

Instagramsocial mediapostinginstagram postsstoriescarouselsreelscaptionfrequencysocial media tipstipsfor media sake20232024
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